Our vets are by your side to comfort you.
We offer the choice of pet euthanasia in our private and peaceful rooms designed like home or in the comfort of your living room surrounded by loved ones.

We’re with you until the end.
Pets are members of our families and having to say goodbye can be one of the hardest things a loving family has to do.
Say goodbye where your pet is most comfortable.
When it’s time to say goodbye, we’re equipped to provide a warm and comforting experience for your family. At InstaVet LIC, we’ll be with you every step of the way.
Whether your senior pet has a painful condition that’s causing poor quality of life or your pet becomes terminally ill, there are times when all the capabilities of medical science have been exhausted. Euthanasia is the only way to prevent an animal from needlessly suffering. As hard as it may be to make this choice, we want you to know that our hospice and euthanasia services are conducted with compassion, care, and respect.
We also offer in-home euthanasia so that you can say goodbye to your pet in the place they love most—home. We understand the hardships of bringing your pet to see us and saying goodbye. Having to grieve for your pet in a public place can be very upsetting. At home, your family can grieve in privacy and take comfort in one another.
No matter your preference, we’ll be ready to help you say goodbye to your pet.
We also offer burial and cremation services. Click here to learn more about our aftercare options.
Everything you need to know about pet euthanasia.
Saying goodbye to your beloved pet is by far one of the most difficult decisions you may ever make in your life. InstaVet is here to help you through the entire process. Our compassionate care team is on call 24 hours a day. Feel free to reach out to us at any time. We will assist you in making the decision that is best for your pet and, ultimately, for your family.
At-Home Pet Euthanasia – $348*
Our team of compassionate veterinarians is always on call, ready to perform in-home euthanasia services at the time and place of your choosing. Please call our support hotline or chat with a care specialist to discuss the euthanasia process, cremation, and aftercare options. (*Addl veterinary nurse/travel fee of $49 will apply for all in-home visits).
In-Clinic Pet Euthanasia – $249
Our team of compassionate veterinarians is always on call, ready to perform in-clinic euthanasia services at the time and place of your choosing. Please call our support hotline or chat with a care specialist to discuss the euthanasia process, cremation, and aftercare options.
Veterinary Hospice Care – $397
Our team of pet hospice veterinarians is always on call, ready to provide dog and cat hospice care services in the comfort of your home or our clinics. Please call our support hotline and speak with a care specialist to schedule a free consultation.
Private Pet Cremation – $349*
If you would like your loved one’s ashes returned to the comfort of home, individual cremation is the right choice for you. The pet cremation ceremony takes place within the first day of pickup by the pet crematory and is then delivered by UPS tracker to your preferred location. Private cremation includes free pickup and delivery. (*Addl fee for all private cremations of $49 required for urn only, or choose Premium package option of $99 for a cherry wood urn, engraved name, and pawprint tribute.)
*For pets over 50lbs a $99 surcharge will apply, or for pets over 100lbs a $199 surcharge will apply.
Communal Pet Cremation – $199*
Your pet will be cremated alongside other pets. Their ashes will be interred within the blossoming garden on the cemetery’s property, memorialized forever. A certificate commemorating your pet’s life will be offered to you in memoriam. (*Addl fee of $99 will apply for transport to cemetery and burial)
*For pets over 50lbs a $99 surcharge will apply, or for pets over 100lbs a $199 surcharge will apply.
Burial at Pet Cemetery – Special Request
Private viewing for friends and family or other unique tributes and memorials are available by special request. Please contact our care team for further assistance.
What to expect.
Although the decision is demanded by humanitarian obligation, it is always traumatic for the person who must finally make it. It is perhaps the ultimate heartbreak we must be willing to endure for our adored companion animal. Aside from being the right thing to do, euthanasia can be a psychological nightmare of confusion, guilt, and even final responsibility.
As loving pet parents, we have an unspoken covenant with our pets — that we will euthanize them if necessary. In the final analysis, only the owner can really understand when the time is right. And even then, emotions still make it so difficult. This is the ultimate loving act for our beloved companion animals. It is for them, regardless of the effects on us, that we must do this. But we will inevitably grieve for ourselves, as well. And now we have to learn to put this into some meaningful perspective somehow.
As pet owners, none of us like to think of the day, seemingly far in the future, when we must say goodbye to our pet. Though the thought may briefly skim through our minds from time to time, we seldom dwell on it. It is natural to feel we have a lifetime to enjoy our dear pets. Unfortunately, because their lives are far shorter than ours, we must always be ready to face this terrible decision.
Deciding when the time is right.
The decision when to euthanize is as individual and personal as you and your pet are. This is a judgment that only you can make, and it involves great personal courage and sacrifice. Many people fear they will not be able to recognize when the time is right. Do not hesitate to seek guidance from your veterinarian or care specialist. It is good to include family members or friends who share a close bond with your pet in the decision-making process. This is a time when you will need the support of those who truly understand.
Things to take into consideration.
Does the pet still seem to enjoy life? Is he/she able to carry out normal body functions as before — eating, walking, and eliminating? Is the pet in pain? What is the medical prognosis? What are the treatment options? Will they create an uncomfortable quality of life? Another important consideration is, are you able to afford the cost of treatment? For some, this must be the overriding determiner. Regardless of their opinions, other people should not stand in judgment of this. In making the final decision, it may be helpful to weigh the good days versus the bad days. When the bad override the good, it probably is the right time.
Remember, no one knows your pet better than you do. You have spent a great deal of time learning to communicate with him/her by reading the body language. Attend to what your pet may be trying to communicate. And trust what your heart tells you. Later, you may question this, but that is a natural reaction, and you should rely on your present reasoning.
Making the appointment.
Once you have made the decision to euthanize your pet, the next step is making the appointment. The timing is often critical, and you may need to act quickly. Some people prefer to spend a few final days with their pets. If you have the time to plan ahead, it is a good idea to discuss all aspects of what to expect with your veterinarian first. Some important considerations are: Consider the time of day and the day of the week as you will need time before and after to deal with your emotions. Be prepared to take a day or two off from work if necessary.
The InstaVet euthanasia procedure is normally performed in the comfort of home. However, we do offer in-clinic options as well. Note that euthanasia is normally a quick, peaceful, and should be a virtually pain-free procedure for your pet, particularly when it’s done in a comfortable home environment surrounded by family. Under special circumstances, we also offer in-home hospice care for terminally ill pets. Remember, pets are very good at concealing their pain and discomfort. Our duty is to alleviate suffering to the best extent possible by providing compassionate care in the comfort of home.
The euthanasia process.
Ideally, this is a two-step procedure. First, a sedative should be administered, relaxing the pet and putting it to sleep. Then, an IV should be established and flushed with saline solution to ensure that it is inserted properly in the vein.
When the veterinarian is ready to begin the procedure, an assistant will usually be asked to help hold your pet. Once the euthanasia solution is given, the animal’s muscles will relax, and the heart will stop beating. It is a very fast-acting medicine. Most owners are surprised at how quickly death comes – in seconds. Some pet owners initially think they will be more comfortable if they do not observe their pet’s final moments and would rather be in a different room during the procedure. But bear in mind that those who opt for not being present often later feel a sense of guilt about this.
If possible, discuss with your veterinarian before the appointment is made how euthanasia will be performed. Your pet’s health, temperament, and preferences should each be considered when making this decision. There may be some differences from the procedure just described for very small, young or old, or exotic animals. Be sure that you are comfortable with the procedure that you and your veterinarian choose.
Saying goodbye.
Before these final moments, you will have to consider how you would like to say goodbye. You may be present for the process and decide to do this before your pet enters the room or just before the procedure. Some feel they have to say goodbye in the room before then and leave.
As emotionally traumatic as it is, most pet owners feel they need to be present the entire time, hold their pet, and say their farewells during the euthanasia procedure. Most people spend private time with their pets before, as well as after. Each veterinarian has their own policies and procedures, however, and you should always discuss these beforehand. Be fully informed and in charge, despite your emotional strain. You want to avoid having any possible misgivings later. Despite the great tensions, we suggest that you do not let anyone insist on anything that you do not want.
Generally, it is good to make all arrangements with the pet crematory and pet cemetery service long before that final day so that the last moments with your pet are as non-stressful as possible. Also, your decision-making abilities will be better at that time. If it is possible, arrange for someone to be with you.
Final arrangements and pickup.
Upon completion of the euthanasia, our funeral director will arrive to pick up your pet’s remains and provide transport to the pet crematory/cemetery location. We are here to help you through the entire process. Our compassionate care specialists are on call 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. Feel free to reach out to us at any time. We will assist you in making the decision that is best for your pet and, ultimately, for your family.